Showing posts with label Content Server. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Content Server. Show all posts

Friday, 10 May 2013

dID Vs dDocName or Content ID

Below is the small concept although a very important one. Many beginners are confused with two important metadata fields. Here is the brief description. 

dDocName or Content ID is the unique identifier for a content revision set. 

dID is the unique identifier of each individual content revision within a set.

Being able to identify a content revision set is very useful, as it shows and tracks (makes auditable) the changes of content items over time.

Being able to identify each individual revision with dID is also very useful, so we can work with specific content revisions. This is one of the great advantages of the Content Server over other systems, which only store the changes between revisions. Full revision sets as well as individual revisions are managed objects and each one can be accessed by its own unique URL.